"I call Heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live."
~Deuteronomy 30:19
I read a fantastic story about being pro-choice in the book Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn. Mr. Alcorn says "When I present the prolife position on school campuses, I often begin by saying 'I've been introduced as being prolife, but I want to make clear that I'm really pro-choice. I believe that a person has the right to do whatever she wants with her own body. It's none of our business what choice she makes, and we have no right to impose our morals on others. Whether I like someone's choices or not is irrelevant. She should have the freedom to make her own choices.' I'm normally greeted by surprised looks and audible affirmation, including smiles, nods, and even applause. I have used the sacred buzzwords of the pro-choice movement - rights, freedom, and choice. I have sounded tolerant, open-minded, and fair. Then I say this: 'Yes, I'm prochoice. That's why I believe every man has the right to rape a woman if that is his choice. After all, it's his body, and neither you nor I have the right to tell him what to do with it. He's free to choose, and it's none of our business what choice he makes. We have no right to impose our morals on him. Whether I like the choice or not, he should have the freedom to make his own choices.'"
For those of you who haven't caught on Mr. Alcorn does not really support the choice of a man to rape a woman. Nor does he support the choice of a woman to kill her child.
What he is saying is that we are all pro-choice. God Himself states in the quote from Deuteronomy that He gives us a choice. God created choice. But just because there are two different choices does not mean that both choices are acceptable. God also states there is a choice between life and death, blessing and cursing (the words blessing and cursing are interchangeable with good and evil).
In the abortion debate we are presented with these same two choices: life and death. That's it. You can't be kind of sort of maybe for life except in this situation when you're for death. PICK A SIDE! It's not that hard. God Himself has given us the choice between good and evil, now it's up to us to decide. But if you choose evil there will be consequences. There is no way around it. That's why so many women who have had abortions turn to drugs, alcohol, depression, and suicide. Because you can't choose death and evil for another without there being some ramifications to yourself. That's called justice. P.S. - that's why there's confession, so if you chose death/evil and you see that you made the wrong choice and are truly sorry for it you can receive forgiveness. But it's better not to make that choice in the first place.
One last note: I find it interesting that God says "choose life, that you and your descendants might live". I find this statement kind of ironic since we (as a country) are choosing death for our descendants. One child isn't born, so then they don't have the children they would have had, so they don't have the children they would have had, so they don't have the children they would have had, and on and on and on. You're not just killing one person when you go into that abortion mill you're killing all the people that would have come from them.
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